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Trailblazers Give back
A portion of all proceeds will be donated to a worthy cause.
Scroll to learn more about the causes you can support.

Infinite Family

Proceeds can be donated to the Infinite Family! This Program helps:

-Infinite Family is a mentoring organization that provides a platform for adults from around the world to share their experience and expertise where there are not enough local role models in and around South Africa. Mentors help their mentees build resilience, resourcefulness and responsibility as they work toward economic stability and self-reliance. By providing key resources and support, Infinite Family inspires and motivates youth to develop the confidence, skills and global worldview to build a better life.


Click here to learn more about Infinite Family!

CoderDojo Foundation

Proceeds can be donated to the CoderDojo! This Program helps:

-CoderDojo is a global movement of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for young people. Within the CoderDojo Movement there is a focus on peer learning, youth mentoring and self-led learning. They aim to help young people realise that they can build a positive future through coding and community.


Click here to learn more about CoderDojo!

Junior Achievement Europe

Proceeds can be donated to the Junior Achievement Europe! This Program helps:

-JA Europe is dedicated to preparing young people for employment by delivering hands on, experiential learning in entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy. JA creates pathways for employability, job creation and financial success.


Click here to learn more!

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